Blog - Gokarna Puja

Gajendra Moksha Stotra Benefits, Puja Procedure & Cost

Gajendra Moksha Stotra Benefits, the importance of chanting this stotra, the vedic puja remedy to over come past debts and present hurdles along with puja procedures and cost mentioned in this post. You will find meaning of 33 stotras in English and also when to read and where to perform this puja. Gajendra Moksha stotra […]

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Samvatsarikam, Taddinam Procedure and Cost.

Samvatsarikam: This means annual rituals in English. Derived from the Sanskrit word “sAMvatsarika”. These are three-day “First-year” death rituals or ceremonies as per the Hindu afterlife life rituals for a departed soul. This includes following rituals.1 Un abtikam : Two days before Abtikam.2 Samvatsaravimoka : The day before Abtikam. That is the previous day of

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Masikam Oona, Monthly, Sodhakumbam Procedure and Cost.

Monthly Masikam: The ritual process of offering food and water 12 times to the departed soul. This is the specific Tithi day as per the Hindu calendar during the first year of death.These dates are 30th, 60th, 90th, 120th, 150th, 180th, 210th, 240th,270th, 300th, 330th and 360th day from the date of death, as per

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Naga Dosham Pariharam Procedure, Benefits and Cost

Naga Dosham Pariharam is a solution for Naga Dosham in the horoscope or due to disturbances made to the Naga or due to bad karmas of earlier life or due to a combination of any one of them and all. Rahu, Ketu positions, Shani aspect, and affliction decide Naga Dosham in the horoscope. One should

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Veteran Kannada Film Actor Srinath Visits Punyashrama Gokarna

Veteran Kannada Film Actor Srinath Visits Punyashrama Gokarna along with wife and family members. Srinath appreciated quality and Vedic standards of puja done at Punyashrama under the guidance of Shri Rajgopal Guruji.

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Ayilyam Pooja Benefits and Who Should Perform

Ayilyam Pooja Benefits: Ayilyam Pooja is for those who are born on Ayilyam Nakshatram and have afflictions of Rahu and Ketu in the birth chart or horoscope. If one is born on Ayilyam Nakshatram it is better to perform on the Ayilyam Nakshatram day. If it is a pooja remedy for afflictions of Rahu and

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Pitra Dosh Puja Reviews.

Pitra Dosh Puja Reviews: Following reviews are unbiased Google reviews of customers who visited Gokarna Punyashrama ( Gokarna Puja Services- Narayan Bali Puja- Pitra dosha puja- Kuja dosha-Gokarna). People visit many punya kshetras to perform Pitra Dosh Puja in India. Punyashrama- Gokarna – Karnataka is popular in all departments of services like Puja Vedic standards,

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Naga Pratishta Pooja Benefits, Procedure, and Cost.

Naga Pratishta Pooja: This is the process of installation of carved Naga stone in Naga Temple or Nagabana or around Banyan trees. This additional puja is for the completion of the entire pooja cycle of Sarpa dosha or Sarpa samskara. Who should perform Naga Prathishta Pooja ? 1 Sarpa dosha found in the horoscope2 Persons

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Sarpa Samskara Pooja Benefits, Procedure, and Cost.

Sarpa Samskara pooja: This puja has normally three procedures. 1 Sarpa samskara. 2 Nag dosha nivarna pooja. 3 Naga/Sarpa prathistapana. These pujas are two days rituals. 1 Sarpa samskara (First day pooja) 2 Nag/Sarpa Dosha Nivarna puja and Naga/Sarpa Prathistapana are second day rituals. Due to sutaka, Naga/Sarpa Prathistapana will be performed on the second

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Agni Vasa Muhurat on the Earth for the year 2025-2026

Agni Vasa Importance: Homam and Havans should perform when Agni resides on the earth i.e. Prithvi. Agni stays on the Prithvi or the Space (Akasha) or the Patala on a given day. When Agni resides on the earth, that day will be considered an ideal day to perform Homam and Havana. However, this does not

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