Tripad Dosha Shanti : Tripad dosha happens due to the concurrence of inauspicious Tithi, Nakshatra, and death day. Tripad refers to Lord Vishnu. It also refers to three roots. Following are the inauspicious Tithis, Nakshatras, and Days with reference to the death of a person.
Inauspicious Tithis are Prathama, Dwitiya, Shashti, Ashtami, Dwadashi, Trayodashi, Chaturdashi, and Amavasya.
Inspecious Nakshatras are Rohini, Dhanishta, Shatabisha, Purva Bhadrapada, Revati, Mrigashirsha, Punarvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Chitra, Vishakha, Uttara Ashadha, and Magha.
Inauspicious Days are Sunday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday.

Tripad Dosha Shanti Pooja Procedure:
Time needed: 2 hours
- Sankalp.
This Tripad dosha Shanti Vidhi covers the pronouncement of Tripad tithi, Tripad Nakshatra, and Tripad death date of the deceased person. Performer details and the objective of the afterlife rituals also mentioned.
- Vinayaka pooja
The process of taking blessings from Lord Vinayaka for the successful completion of the Tripad death time Shanti ritual.
- Mantra chanting.
Chanting specific after death rituals mantras of Tripad Dosham Shanti.
- Tripad Shanti Homam.
Chanting of Tripad Shanti Homam mantras with 2-7 Brahmins.
- Poornahuti
- Prasad Vitrane.
Benefits :
- Moksha to the departed soul.
- Avoids untimely deaths in the family.
- Shubha karyas in the family will happen on time.

Tripad Dosha Death Shanti and Cost
- The basic cost is INR 8000.
- With Navagraha jap and Homa cost is from INR 14000-28000 including food and accommodation.
- With Navagraha jap, Mrityuanjaya Jap and Homa cost is from INR 24000-45000 including food and accommodation
Ritual Place:
Om Beach Road
Karnataka, India
Know More:
E-mail: [email protected]
To speak in English/Kannada/Hindi
Phone: +91 9663645980
To speak in Telugu/Kannada/Marathi/Konkani
Phone: +91 9448628918
Also See: After Death Rituals
I am Janardhan Dasari from Hyderabad , Telangana, want to know that ” 1) thidhi dosha only 2) Thidhi & waara dosha 3) only Nakshatra dosha — how to prefer the shanthi – Please give me the details.
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