Gandmool Dosha happens when a child’s birth takes place in Ashwini, Ashlesha, Magha, Revati, Jyestha, and Moola nakshatras. The word Gandmool actually derived from two words Gandha and Antha. Gandha means knot and Antha mean the end. There are simple remedies in the form of pooja and Homam. So one should not worry too much about this dosha.

Gandmool Dosha Nakshatra Shanti Procedure:
Time needed: 2 hours and 30 minutes
Ideally performed on the 27th day from the date of birth in an energetic place.
- Sankalp.
Gandmool dosh Nivaran shanti pooja starts with Sankalp. The objective of Gand Moola pooja, specific Gandmool nakshatra effects, and remedies are mentioned in this Vidhi.
- Vinayaka pooja.
Prayers to Lord Vinayaka for the successful completion of the Gand Moola dosh Shanti pooja.
- Leaves and Water placement:
The Gandmool pooja Vidhi of placing 27 different plants leaves and water collected from 27 different places.
- Gand Mool Nakshatra Jap.
Chanting of right Gand Mool nakshatra mantra along with Navagraha Jap to get the best benefits of this nakshatra Shanti pooja with Homam.
- Gandmool Dosh Homam.
Chanting of right Gand Mool nakshatra mantra along with Navagraha Jap with the Fire Lab (Agni).
- Poornauthi.
- Prasad Vitaran.
Gandmool dosh nakshatra effects:
- Strained relationship with parents and siblings.
- Post-married relationship problems with in-laws and spouse.
- Needless money spending.
- Specific Nakshatra Shanti Homam.
- Navagraha and Maha Mrityuanjaya Homam.
- Donate to the needy and Poor.
- Anna Daan.
- Carry the afterlife rituals of ancestors regularly.
Gandmool Dosha Nakshatra Shanti Cost.
- The basic cost is INR 8000.
- With Navagraha jap and Homa cost is from INR 14000-28000 including food and accommodation.
- With Navagraha jap, Mrityuanjaya Jap and Homa cost is from INR 24000-45000 including food and accommodation
Ganda Mool dosha days, start time, and end time in the year 2023:
Ganda Mool dosha inauspicious nakshatra days and time for the year 2023: One should refer to the below dates and compare them with the birth date and time in Hindu Calendar. So it is suggested to perform Shanti within the time frame
January 2023
From 12/31 (2022), 11:47 – To 01/01, 12:48
From 01/09, 06:05 – To 01/11, 11:50
From 01/18, 17:22 – To 01/20, 12:40
From 01/26, 18:56 – To 01/28, 19:06
February 2023
From 02/05 12:13 – To 02/07 17:45
From 02/15 02:01 – To 02/16 22:52
From 02/23 04:50 – To 02/25 03:26
March 2023
From 03/04 18:41 – To 03/07 00:05
From 03/14 08:13 – To 03/16 06:24
From 03/22 15:32 – To 03/24 13:22
April 2023
From 04/01 01:57 – To 04/03 07:24
From 04/10 13:39 – To 04/12 11:59
From 04/19 01:01 – To 04/20 23:10
From 04/28 09:53 – To 04/30 15:30
May 2023
From 05/07 20:21 – To 05/09 17:45
From 05/16 08:15 – To 05/18 07:22
From 05/25 17:53 – To 05/27 23:43
June 2023
From 06/04 05:03 – To 06/06 01:23
From 06/12 13:49 – To 06/14 13:40
From 06/22 01:21 – To 06/24 07:18
July 2023
From 07/01 15:04 – To 07/03 11:01
From 07/09 19:29 – To 07/11 19:04
From 07/19 07:58 – To 07/21 13:58
From 07/29 00:55 – To 07/30 21:32
August 2023
From 08/06 02:54 – To 08/08 01:16
From 08/15 13:58 – To 08/17 19:58
From 08/25 09:14 – To 08/27 07:16
September 2023
From 09/02 12:30 – To 09/04 09:26
From 09/11 20:01 – To 09/14 02:01
From 09/21 15:35 – To 09/23 14:56
From 09/29 23:18 – To 09/30 21:08
October 2023
From 09/30 21:08 – To 10/01 19:27
From 10/09 02:45 – To 10/11 08:45
From 10/18 21:00 – To 10/20 20:41
From 10/27 09:24 – To 10/29 05:54
November 2023
From 11/05 10:29 – To 11/07 16:24
From 11/15 03:24 – To 11/17 02:17
From 11/23 17:16 – To 11/25 14:55
December 2023
From 12/02 18:54 – To 12/05 00:35
From 12/12 11:56 – To 12/14 09:47
From 12/20 22:58 – To 12/22 21:36
From 12/30 03:09 – To 12/31 05:42
Ganda Mool dosha days, start time, and end time in the year 2022:
Ganda Mool dosha inauspicious nakshatra days and time for the year 2022: One should refer to the below dates and compare them with the birth date and time in Hindu Calendar. So it is suggested to perform Shanti within the time frame.
January 2022
Start Time | End Time |
12/31 22:04 (2021) | 01/02 16:23 |
01/09 07:10 | 01/11 11:10 |
01/19 06:42 | 01/21 09:43 |
01/28 07:10 | 01/30 02:49 |
February 2022
Start Time | End Time |
02/05 16:09 | 02/07 18:58 |
02/15 13:48 | 02/17 16:11 |
02/24 13:31 | 02/26 10:32 |
March 2022
Start Time | End Time |
03/05 01:51 | 03/07 03:51 |
03/14 22:08 | 03/17 00:21 |
03/23 18:52 | 03/25 16:07 |
April 2022
Start Time | End Time |
04/01 10:40 | 04/03 12:37 |
04/11 06:51 | 04/13 09:37 |
04/20 01:39 | 04/21 21:51 |
04/28 17:40 | 04/30 20:13 |
May 2022
Start Time | End Time |
05/08 14:58 | 05/10 18:40 |
05/17 10:46 | 05/19 05:37 |
05/25 23:20 | 05/28 02:26 |
June 2022
Start Time | End Time |
06/04 21:55 | 06/07 02:26 |
06/13 21:24 | 06/15 15:33 |
06/22 05:03 | 06/24 08:04 |
July 2022
Start Time | End Time |
07/02 03:56 | 07/04 08:44 |
07/11 07:50 | 07/13 02:21 |
07/19 12:12 | 07/21 14:17 |
07/29 09:47 | 07/31 14:20 |
August 2022
Start Time | End Time |
08/07 16:30 | 08/09 12:18 |
08/15 21:07 | 08/17 21:57 |
08/25 16:16 | 08/27 20:26 |
September 2022
Start Time | End Time |
09/03 22:57 | 09/05 20:05 |
09/12 06:59 | 09/14 06:57 |
09/21 23:47 | 09/24 03:50 |
October 2022
Start Time | End Time |
10/01 04:19 | 10/03 01:52 |
10/09 16:20 | 0/11 16:17 |
10/19 08:02 | 10/21 12:28 |
10/28 10:42 | 10/30 07:25 |
November 2022
Start Time | End Time |
11/05 23:56 | 11/08 00:37 |
11/15 16:13 | 11/17 21:20 |
11/24 19:37 | 11/26 14:58 |
December 2022
Start Time | End Time |
12/03 05:45 | 12/05 07:15 |
12/12 23:36 | 12/15 05:16 |
12/22 06:33 | 12/24 01:13 |
12/30 11:24 | 12/31 11:47 |
Ritual Place:
Om Beach Road
Karnataka, India
Know More:
E-mail: [email protected]
To speak in English/Kannada/Hindi
Phone: +91 9663645980
To speak in Telugu/Kannada/Marathi/Konkani
Phone: +91 9448628918
Also See: Maha Mrityuanjaya Homam