Sade Sati Shani pooja: When Shani transits through one’s own previous Rashi, own Rashi and immediate Rashi of one’s own Rashi is Sade Sati Shani period. As per astrology, Shani’s position will have measurable effects on 12 Rashis. Planet Shani takes 30 years to transit through all twelve Rashis. So Shani stays for two and half years in each Rashi. On the basis of this calculation, the total period is seven and a half years.
Note: Rashi means the sign that was occupied by the moon at the time of a person’s birth.
One’s Previous Rashi period + Own Rashi period+ Immediate Rashi of one’s own Rashi period = 2 1/2+ 2 1/2+ 2 1/2= 7 1/2 years (Seven and a half Years).
The first five years of this period will have more adverse effects. However if there is a beneficial Jupiter and support by other beneficial planets, effects will be minimized. Proper Shani Shanti pooja as per Vedic standards, at the right place by right Vedic Pandits, will give effective results.

- Change in business line or profession and failure in the same.
- Low self-esteem due to lack of confidence, loss of self-respect, and dignity.
- Breaking Law, norms, and regulation.
- Following injustice path.
- Hurdles in the continuity of activity or work.
How to perform individual Sade Sati Shani Shanti Pooja.
Time needed: 2 hours and 30 minutes
Sade Sati Shani Shanti pooja timing is very important. This pooja should be done within 30 days from the date of commencement of Sade Sati Shani period.
- Sade Sati Shani Sankalp.
Performer’s name, Nakshatra, Rashi and Gotra will be pronounced. Specific sankalp will be taken if any major shubha karyas of the family or related to profession are due during Sade Sati period.
- Vinayak Pooja
- Sade Sati Kalasha Sthaapane.
- Kalasha Pooja
- Sade Sati Jap.
Three House Lords of respective Rashi Jap chanting followed by Shani Jap.
- Sade Sati Homam.
Homam with specific Jap chanting, depending upon the Sade sati Rashi.
- Poornahuti.
- Prasad vitarane.
Benefits :
- No issues with health and profession.
- Continuity in work.
- Makes you, work hard and carry day-to-day activities with intelligence and diligence.
- Keeps you away from illegal activities and prompts you always stand by justice and truth.
- Keeps you away from bad elements of society.
Sade Sati Shani Shanti pooja cost.
The Pooja cost starts from INR 12000-45000. Inclusive of accommodation, food, pooja materials, and Brahmin Dakshina.
Important days to perform: Saturday.
For pooja details Contact :
Om Beach Road
Gokarna, Karnataka.
Pin code: 581326
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone 1: 9663645980 (To speak in English/Hindi/Kannada)
Phone 2: 9448628918 (To speak in Kannada/Hindi/Telugu/Marathi/Konkani)
Also See: Kuja Dosha and Manglik dosha Remedies