Narayan Bali Puja
Narayan Bali Puja (in all cases of abnormal death) is a necessary ritual described in Garuda Purana.
Pind Pradhan
This pind pradhan helps the soul of ancestor’s soul of the death to attain Moksha(Salvation). Must do puja for all Hindus.
Tripindi Shraddha
If for three consecutive years the offerings are not made to the dear departed then the dead gets vehement.
Veda and Yoga
Vedas are the greatest treasure of the mankind.Yoga is a 5000-year-old Indian body of knowledge. Yoga means union of the individual consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit
Ayurveda Wellness
Ayurveda ( Ayur= Life, Veda= Knowledge) is quite simply, Life Knowledge.It aims to help us lead a life where Mind, Body and Spirit stay in a State of Balance, with each other and with the Environment.
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