Kuja or Mangal Dosha FAQ (Frequently asked Questions) should help readers to understand importance and effects of Kuja dosha. This also helps to know rules for Kuja or Mangala dosha cancellation.
When Mars planet (Mangal Graha ) is placed in the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th houses
from the Lagna (ascendant ), then it is called Kuja Dosha.
When Mars planet (Mangal Graha ) is placed in the 2nd,and 7th, 8th houses from the lagna.
When Mars planet (Mangal Graha ) is placed in the 4th, 8th and 12th houses from the lagna.
1 If Kuja is placed in Aries, Scorpio, Leo, Capricorn, and Aquarius.
2 Those who are born in Cancer Lagna and Leo Lagna.
3 If Kuja placed in 12th place from Gemini and Scorpio Lagna
4 If Kuja placed in 2nd place from Taurus and Leo Lagna
5 If Kuja placed in 4th place from Capricorn and Leo Lagna
6 If Kuja placed in 7th place from Capricorn and cancer Lagna.
7 If Kuja is in conjunction/aspected by Jupiter, Moon, Mercury, and Venus.
Kuj dosha Parihara shanti pooja. For the male marriage purpose Kuja dosha parihara shanti with Kadali Vivaha. For the female marriage purpose Kuja parihara shanti with Kumbha Vivaha.
Delay in marriage
Separation after marriage
Death of spouse
Misunderstanding between married couple.
Yes. However proper guidance should be taken.
Yes. However proper guidance should be taken.
These persons carry high amount of energy to carry multiple tasks and see success in their profession. But due to overconfidence may see the downside of the ladder. Controlled aggression is the solution.
Kuja or Mangal Dosha Cancellation -South Indian chart