Durga Homam: A pooja for mother Goddess Durga to combat wicked actions and to keep away negative thoughts. A powerful and effective homam for external evil acts. Enhances physical and mental strength and hence makes to follow dharma path. Durga is associated with war against bad elements. Therefore this homam is not only for self-protection but also to keep away enemies. This homa can be done on Tuesday/Friday.
Fill up the below form to know more details.

Durga Pooja Shanti Homam benefits:
- Self-protection.
- For physical & mental strength.
- Remove business hurdles.
- For community peace.
- For consciousness & awareness.
Drishti Durga pooja
A pooja to remove evil eye in the form of special prayers to Goddess Durga. Removes the malefic effects of the planets and curses. Contact for specific puja solution.

Durga pooja procedure:
Time needed: 2 hours and 30 minutes
Major steps of Durga homam are listed below.
- Sankalp
A step to mention performer details and objective of the homam
- Vinayak pooja
To get blessings of Lord Vinayaka for smooth completion of the homam.
- Kalasha sthaapane
- Kalasha pooja
- Durga Japa
- Durga Homa initial offerings
The initial offering of ghee drop to Prajpathi, Indra, Agni, Somaya, Ganapathi & Varuna
- Main Durga Homam
Offering of ghee, sesame and durga homa dravya for acceptance of this homam and to fulfill the objective of the pooja performer.
- Poornaahuti
Offering of cloth, coconut and frouts to the fire lab
- Mangala aarati
- Prasad vitaran
Durga Homam Cost:
Starts from INR 12000 and goes up to INR 35000. Homam cost depends upon the number of japas and number of brahmins and type of daan. Godesses Durga japa sankhyas ( numbers) can vary from 1000 to 9000. This cost is inclusive of pooja materials, dakshina, accommodation & food.
To Know More:
Om Beach Road
Gokarna, Karnataka.
Pin code: 581326
E-Mail: [email protected]
See also :
Sudarshana Homam
Maha Mrityuanjaya Homam