Gokarna Puja Services


FAQ Swayamvara Parvati Pooja and Homa

FAQ Swayamvara Parvati should help for those who would like to perform this pooja or homa.

What is Swayamvara Parvathi pooja?

Chanting of Swayamvara Parvati mantra for specific numbers of times as per Vedic normal pooja vidhi is called Swayamvara Parvathi pooja.

What is Swayamvara Parvathi homa?

Chanting of Swayamvara Parvati mantra for specific numbers of times as per Vedic normal pooja vidhi with Fire Lab / Agni is called Swayamvara Parvathi homa.

What is the importance of this homa?

By performing this homa, one will get the right bride/bridegroom of their wish. Helps to lead successful married life with a good understanding between the couple. Various obstacles that delay marriage are removed.

Who gave this mantra?

Goddess Parvati got this from Sage Durvasa.

Why Goddess Parvati got this mantra?

This mantra is given by legendry Sage Durvasa to Goddess Parvati to fulfill her desire and love for Lord Shiva.

What is Swayamvara Parvathi homa mantra?

Om Hreem Yoginim Yogini Yogeswari Yoga Bhayankari Sakala Sthavara Jangamasya Mukha Hridayam Mama Vasam Akarsha Akarshaya Swaha”(Namaha for Jap).

What is the meaning of this mantra?

God of Yoga, Goddess of yoga, and fearless God attract all movable and immovable attributes towards me with a kind heart and face.

How many times chant Swayamvara Parvathi mantra?

One should chant minimum 108 times a day. You can repeat this for108 days. While performing homa, minimum 1008 mantras will be chanted.

Which are the good days to perform this homa?

Fridays are considered auspicious to perform this homa.

What is the cost of the Swayamvara Parvathi pooja?

The cost starts from INR 8000- 28000. The cost depends upon number of mantras and number of Brahmins.

Which is the right place to perform this pooja or homam?

Punyashrama, Gokarna is the right place. The presence of Parvati Temple and Lord Shiva Atmalinga makes most powerful and energetic place to get good results.

Om Beach Road

Email: gokarnapuja@gmail.com
Phone: +91 9663645980 (To speak in English/Kannada/Hindi)
Phone: +91 9448628918 (To speak in Kannada/Telugu/Marathi/Konkani)

Also see: Parvati Swayamvara Pooja


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